Saturday, May 29, 2021

Saturday of the Ember week for Pentecost


My Friends, 

This evening we have come to the end of the season of Pentecost and the Mass for today focussed on charity, the love of God and of our neighbour in God. This is the special fruit of the grace of the Holy Spirit and the mark of a true Christian.

Commencing with the Mass on Pentecost Sunday, followed by Whitmonday and Whittuesday and the Ember days there has been plenty of opportunity to reflect . We looked also also at receiving the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. We have come to the sad conclusion that in this present world , which is uttterly bad there is so much more need for more people to pray for the gifts of the Spirit and for Churches to pray for a renewal, i.e. the infusion of the Holy Spirit to see a new vision of the Glory of Christ, 

Recently I did a blog about the possibility of us living in the end days looking at events in the world around us. Time is moving on , lets not waste our lives on too much early stuff, it all fades away. Lets turn to Pentecost Sunday's Gospel reading Saint John 14, the verses 23-31,By the gift of the Holy Spirit God makes His abode in our souls and we will walk into the good works that our God has prepared for us the walk in. 

Fr Ed Bakker

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