Dear Fathers , Friends in Christ ,
Luke 8:16-18
We live in a technological age of security cameras and the ability of more and more agencies to know all of our personal business. This is necessary in some instances to keep us safe and protect business persons from theft, but it can also make us uncomfortable. With this in mind, today's gospel can also cause us to have misgivings.
The gospel today quotes Christ as saying, "There is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." (Luke 8:17) So, why would Christ remind His followers, and us today, about this reality?
We are urged to make an examination of conscience at the end of each day. Perhaps thinking about this "parable of the lamp" will help us in that examination, and may clarify how we might approach another day. This concept might also make us think twice about what we say or do in a given situation. We like to think that our actions are motivated by love, but that isn't always the reality. Knowing that the light is always shining on our actions should also help.
Father Ed Bakker