"Lord, I am not worthy to receive Thee."
Dear Fathers, Friends in Christ,
Luke 7:1-10
Many of us learned the hymn, "O Lord I Am Not Worthy," in preparation for our First Holy Communion. The gospel of today gives us the origin of that hymn. The centurion needed Christ to heal his servant, but he didn't feel that he was worthy to approach Him and ask Him to do so. The centurion was a humble man despite all the authority he had, and he was full of faith.
We approach Christ when we go up the aisle to receive Holy Communion at Mass. Earlier in the Mass we participate in the offertory and most of us have our lists of requests. We too have family members with health problems, unemployment, financial and other concerns. What attitude do we routinely have as we make these requests? And later, when our requests have been answered in some manner, do we go out and meet Christ as the centurion did? Do we thank Christ during our reception of Holy Communion for the prior requests that have been answered?
We can thank the centurion for his example for us in today's liturgy.
Father Ed Bakker