Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Exhultation of the Holy Cross

Dear Fathers,Friends in Christ,

John 3:13-17

The Gospel of John, as does St. Paul, proclaims the glorification of God in the
death of Jesus on the cross, a glorification which reaches its fullness in the
 Even though this feastday commemorates the historic rescue of the sacred relic of
the actual Holy Cross, the Church "sings" on this day of triumph, recognizing the
opening of the gate to eternal life through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. St. John
Chrysostom, whose memorial was celebrated yesterday, joins St. John the
Evangelist and St. Paul in exalting the glory of the cross:

"The cross is our trophy raised against the demons, our sword against sin and the
sword Christ used to pierce the serpent. The cross is the Father's will, the glory of
the only-begotten, the joy of the Spirit, the pride of the angels, the guarantee of the
Church, Paul's boast, the bulwark of the saints, and the light of the entire world."
(Homily: De coemeterio et de cruce, 2: PG 49, 396)

Father Ed Bakker