Monday, December 16, 2013

Advents feria for the Monday after Gaudete Sunday

Dear Fathers, Brothers, Sisters in Christ

Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17a
 Psalm 25:4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9
 Matthew 21:23-27
Teach me Your ways, O Lord!
 When we speak this verse, from today's Responsorial Psalm, we are asking God to teach us. We are asking the Lord to instruct us in His ways.
 But are we ready to learn?
 Can we put ourselves into "learning mode" and really pay attention to God?
 Perhaps the key to learning, especially for adults, is to be humble. We have experience
in life, yes. But we still have much to learn!
 That beautiful and essential quality of humility is brought out in the last verse of the psalm that we speak today:
"He guides the humble to justice,
 He teaches the humble His way."

Perhaps, as adults, we need to pray today:

Teach me Your ways, O Lord,
 and give me humility so that I can learn them.
Father Ed Bakker
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
Bendigo in the Central Goldfields