Monday, March 24, 2014

Feria for the Monday

Dear Fathers & Friends in Christ

2 Kings 5:1-15AB
Psalm 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4
Luke 4
God doesn't always do things like we want Him to do.
Have you noticed that?

Naaman the leper, in today's first reading, wanted to be healed, but the way it happened was not how he expected. In fact, he almost blew it by not washing in the river as he was instructed. It just didn't make sense to him. But thanks to his servants, he was convinced to obey Elisha. And--voila! His skin became"like a little child's" the scripture recounts.

We too may have our own ideas about how we expect God to move in our lives. But who are WE to tell God how to act? God is God! He can act or not act. He can move in the way we expect, or He can move in His own way. We must remember that.

O Lord,
help me to remember that You are God, not me!
Give me real humility to approach You with my requests.
And let me accept the way You choose to respond.
Father Ed Bakker