Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday in Holy Week

My Friends in Christ, 

The journey to Easter has been going on for a while, since Ashwednesday. 

It is a journey of people:women and men, just like you and me, who struggle through the conflicts of life in order to seek Light in the darkness. 

It is indeed a journey during which you realize that you are often alone and that you long for friendship and fortunately there is chance to make friends as such. 

We do notice that the bond between us as human beings is not always something we can count on. 

When in this period of forty days , the bond between God with His people is a  central point, that it must be important too that there is a bond between us as people and how do we respond to God's commitment to us.

And what do we see on a day such as today ? 

What confronts us at the beginning of Holy Week? Palm & Passion, joy and utter sadness.

And that is how Jesus's life evolved. It is the same experience for those people, who work for the common good and tend to God's work here on earth. 

 Lets journey then with Jesus and we will be brought to new possibilities, way past the shadow of death. 

Father Ed Bakker 
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province 
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne 