Saturday, January 10, 2015

In the octave of the Epiphany 9 January 2015

Dear Fathers, Friends in Christ 

Luke 5:12-16

There were many persons suffering from leprosy in the days of Jesus, but we don't experience it often today. Why then do we have this example of the cleansing of a leper in today's gospel? The man with leprosy stepped forth and asked Jesus for a healing. He said "Lord, if You wish You can make me clean." Then Jesus stretched out His hand, touched him and said, "I do will it. Be made clean." (see Luke 5:12-13)

 Leprosy is considered to be contagious, and yet Christ reached out and touched the man. We recall that Christ is truly God, but also truly man. He was willing to take that risk to cure the man when He could have just stated, "Be cured." We know that, later, Jesus risked and gave His life for us, lying down on the Cross to give His last drop of blood to redeem us.

 What risks are we willing to take this year to carry on the mission of Christ? How far are we willing to go to demonstrate our love for Christ? We know there will be many opportunities!

The Lord is your guard and your shade; 
 at your right side He stands. 
(Psalm 121:5)

Father Ed Bakker 
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province 
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne 
Bendigo Australia