Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Feria Tuesday 27 October 2015 - Life as a Christian

Dear Fathers & Friends in Christ, 

Saint Luke 13, verses 18-21

My life and your life as a Catholic Christian in readiness for the Kingdom of God is indeed a life in progress. Our Lord Jesus Christ does provide us with some time for Holy Prayers and Contemplation and we can feel quite serene. Unfortunately the turmoil of this world we live in , quickly this serenity goes away from us. 

Most days I find , and no doubt you do too, that daily it is a challenge to serve God.We can get trampled upon for our righteousness and we must endure that. 
Then there is the evil we are confronted with on our pilgrimage through this 
barren land.

How then can we endure the suffering and the passion?Go back to your Holy Baptism and your confirmation when you received the Holy Spirit. This Holy 
Spirit frees you and I from doubts and weakness. If we walk in that Holy Spirit we will never tire and we will never defect. In the Joy of Jesus Christ, we will find our joy in the battle of life. 

Father Ed Bakker
Anglican Catholic Church/Original Province 
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne 

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