Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saint Mary Magdalene - 22 July 2016

Dear Fathers, Friends in Christ,
John 20:1-2, 11-18

Well, here we are in July, right in the midst of after Trinity time of the liturgical calendar. Yet, today's gospel takes us back to that first Easter morning, with John's passage about Saint Mary Magdalene.
 Picture it now: can’t you almost see the dawn, just starting to paint the morning sky? And there, by the tomb, we see the sorrowing, tear-stained Mary Magdalene, looking for her beloved Jesus. As the gospel unfolds, Mary is the first to know that Jesus has risen from the dead, the first to tell the news to the apostles. What a privilege!
 Then she sees Jesus, and recognizes Him at the sound of His voice, speaking her name. What joy!
 It is the sound of His voice she recognizes, as a sheep recognizes the shepherd's voice. "I will appoint over you shepherds after my own heart, who will shepherd you wisely and prudently," Jeremiah tells us in today's first reading. And in today's responsorial psalm, Jeremiah tells us the Lord gathers us together and guards us "as a shepherd (guards) his flock."

O Lord my God,
 thank You for granting me the privilege
 of being a sheep of Your flock!
 Help me to listen for Your voice today,
 speaking through Your appointed shepherds,
 men after Your own heart.
 For You guard us and guide us,
 through the sure teaching of Your holy Church,
 leading us to see You face to face in heaven.
Father Ed Bakker
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
Launceston on Tasmania

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