The Holy Gospel for this Sunday can be found in Saint Luke chapter 14, the verses 16-24. It is the well known parable of the Supper, which could not be organized, because all those invited had all sorts of excuses not to come. In the end the organizer of the supper instructed his servants to go down to the highways and byways to invite the poor and the suffering.
As a Priest with a Mission I celebrate Mass every Sunday, you can also use the term "the supper of the Lord" to describe this service. This supper is important as
The Priest offers the sacrifice of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in remembrance of His Death and Passion and Resurrection and when taking Communion one hears the words:" The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, preserve thy body to everlasting life. Obviously for you and I this is a supper that we do not want to miss if at all possible.
The elements of the parable remind me of all the excuses I get to hear when I invite people to join my Mission and partake in Sundays Holy Mass.From time to time I find too that I need to take my Ministry not only to the highways and byways, but also to the resthomes, nursing homes and hospitals.
Again I say to you, it is not too late to join me in Holy Mass on Sundays and at other times and obey our Lord's commandment " Do this in remembrance of me".
Father Ed Bakker,
Anglican Catholic Church/Original Province
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

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