Saturday, November 11, 2017

Prayers for Remembrance Sunday 12 November 2017

Dear Fathers, Friends in Christ,

A Prayer of Remembrance

Almighty and eternal God,
 from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted,
 either by death or life:
 hear our prayers and thanksgivings
 for all whom we remember this day;
 fulfil in them the purpose of your love;
 and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy;
 through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Our eyes, Lord, are wasted with grief;
 you know we are weary with groaning.
 As we remember our death
 in the dark emptiness of the night,
 have mercy on us and heal us;
 forgive us and take away our fear
 through the dying and rising of Jesus your Son. 


Father Ed Bakker
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
Launceston on Tasmania

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