Dear Fathers, Friends in Christ,
'The Transforming Power of Love'
Monday of Holy Week
The house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
St John 12:3
This tender gospel, situated between the Palm Sunday hosannas of the crowd and the Good Friday condemnation of the mob, lifts up the big question: What happens when we love extravagantly, wholeheartedly? The short answer: the place where we live--our world--is filled with the fragrance of our works. That fragrance remains whether or not our gestures of attentiveness and faithfulness are recognized or acknowledged. That fragrance lingers long after our deeds of compassion, care and advocacy for the fragile and the fearful have faded into memory.
Much has been written or surmised about Mary, the woman in Bethany who anointed Jesus. During this holy week, her witness is positioned as an invitation: to applaud the bold display of her service and its costly outpouring of resources, and then to ask: How was Mary changed by her love for Jesus? And what has love changed in me?
Father Ed Bakker
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
Launceston,Tasmania, Australia
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