Saturday, April 30, 2016

Feria on the Saturday - The world is a sad place

Dear Fathers, Friends in Christ,

Saint John 15, verse 9

This reading seems to offer little, but forbidding and bad news. You can expect trials, persecutions and abuse etc.  You expect these, because that is the way in a world, which does not love God. You can expect all these trials. And they may be even worse because you see so many prosper under exactly the same conditions.

But this is also the joy of deep hope. You do know the world is the sad place it is
because it does not know God. This knowledge is the source of our joy and hope.
The world looks unhappy, because we as Catholic Christians know what happiness is like.

A blessed Sunday,

Father Ed Bakker,
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
Launceston on Tasmania

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