Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Getting the cold shoulder ( je krijgt de koude schouder toegekeerd )

Tomanten street 113 Den Haag 

Dear Fathers, Brothers, Sisters in Christ , 

The title of the blog this evening is " getting the cold shoulder " or as they say in Dutch "
je krijgt de koude schouder toegekeerd" The pictures shows the cosy home in the early sixties of 
the family of my best mate Henk from High school in Holland. I had a wonderful friendship with him and his family and his home became almost a second home for me and my brother , who had befriended Henk's brother Imme. It speaks for itself that I got to know Henk's sister Tonny , his parents , his aunt Tiny etc.When the years go by we all go into different directions, Henk stayed in The Hague , I emmigrated to this part of the world after a long career as a Bank Manager, I finally became  a Priest. 

Via Facebook I am in touch with old friends in the Netherlands and I have been trying to trace the living members of this family for some time. When I was successful it was clear that Henk would have nothing to do with me and was totally disinterested in contact with me. It is clear me that not all of us want this sort of contact , but then politely and kindly we off course do say so. In this rejection , which included some phone conversations with his son in The Hague there was a certain hardness, which I think is sad. 

Because of my affiliation with the Anglican Catholic Church, a former Anglican Bishop gives me the cold shoulder and other clergy with whom I served do the same.

Life is passing us by , how much time do we have left ? Could we make up with those who give us so to speak " the cold shoulder" and could we show those reject us that we are different and filled with the Holy Spirit and God's love. " Love one another Jesus said , as I have loved you."

I print a well known hymn below for your reflection. Is this just not wonderful?
Fix in us Thy new creation, pure and spotless let it Be. Amen. 

1. Love divine, all loves excelling, 
joy of heaven, to earth come down; 
fix in us thy humble dwelling; 
all thy faithful mercies crown! 
Jesus thou art all compassion, 
pure, unbounded love thou art; 
visit us with thy salvation; 
enter every trembling heart. 

2. Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit 
into every troubled breast! 
Let us all in thee inherit; 
let us find that second rest. 
Take away our bent to sinning; 
Alpha and Omega be; 
end of faith, as its beginning, 
set our hearts at liberty. 

3. Come, Almighty to deliver, 
let us all thy life receive; 
suddenly return and never, 
nevermore thy temples leave. 
Thee we would be always blessing, 
serve thee as thy hosts above, 
pray and praise thee without ceasing, 
glory in thy perfect love. 

4. Finish, then, thy new creation; 
pure and spotless let us be. 
Let us see thy great salvation 
perfectly restored in thee; 
changed from glory into glory, 
till in heaven we take our place, 
till we cast our crowns before thee, 
lost in wonder, love, and praise. 

Father Ed Bakker 
Anglican Catholic Church / Original Province 
Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne 